First Name* ROMY ROSA
Last Name* GRAFE
To Which Training are you Applying*
EUROPE AcroYoga Level 1 Teacher Training
May 25th - June 9th, 2015// Jason & Alexandra & Oliver
Date of Birth* (09/09/1987)
Place of Birth* FREITAL
Permanent Address* KLINGENBERGERSTR. 10
State/Province SACHSEN
Zip/Postal 01187
Country* GERMANY
Phone*+49/351/89736699 & +49/1577/1488575
Email Address* [email protected]
Skype Name* Superskeipi
Height* (In Feet and Inches) 56,7
Weight* (In Pounds) 111
Fluent Language/s * GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENSH
Immersions Completed *
Solar Immersion in Berlin with Jason 26.-30.7.2014
Elemental Immersion in Berlin with Pau, Lucie & Almuth 06.-10.12.2014 (canceled/ill)
Lunar Immersion in Berlin with Lucie & Almuth 21.-25.03.2015
Yoga Training, Experience & Certifications*
1 month Yoga Teacher Training, Bad Meinberg, Yoga Vidya = 400 hours
Yoga Teacher advanced training courses, Bad Meinberg, Yoga Vidya = 100 hours
Ashtanga Yoga Adjustment Training, Ashtanga Yoga Dresden, Dirk Richter = 16 hours
CANTIENICA YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING, Luzern, Switzerland, Andreas Tresh = 300 hours
Workshop Sound Yoga Training, Ashtanga Yoga Dresden, Dirk Richter = 16 hours
Urban Acro Yoga Retreat I & III & IV, Berlin, Lucie & Jeppe = 34 hours
German Kula Celebration I & II = 32 hours
Certifications enclosed via click
Acrobatic Training, Education & Certifications*
2001-2003 rhythmic gymnastics during school (each week 6 hours)
2003-2007 regular circus lessons like juggeling, handstandtraining, partnermoves, performances
(each day I practise on my own, 1 time a week traininglesson for 3 hours, every month weekendeworkshops, in summer festivals)
workshops with Lucie, Almuth, Joerg Jungwirth, Jeppe, Marc (less 20 Workshops)
regular jams, like the sunday jam in Berlin
regular Armbalance Workshops with Marlen & Sven Schmieder/ Yogawaves (15x3 hours)
Healing Arts Training, Experience & Certifications*
Lomi Lomi Nui - 88 hours
Thai Massage & Shiatsu - 90 hours
Certifications enclosed via click
Teaching History*
Since 2010 I am teaching 3 times a week Ashtanga Yoga in Dresden in the Ashtanga Yoga Dresden Center. In 2011 me and my husband Michael started teaching Acrobatics & Yoga combined with healing arts, in this case shiatsu and thaimassage. First we teached once a week than we also started coaching Jams once or twice a week. We celebrate workshop weekends in the Ashram Yoga Zentrum Dresden. And we also teach at the Ananda Spirit Festival, Vagabundenfestival and other regional events like the Palais Sommer at the river Elbe in Dresden, with like 200 participants. We regulary gather with other teachers & practitioners of Yoga, Shiatsu, AcroYoga, Thai-Massage to celebrate the joy of life & healing, singing and playing. My husband is GSD certified Shiatsu Therapist, he studied Shiatsu and Chinese Medizine for 5 years at the ESI in Berlin and also teaches Shiatsu at the university of Dresden. Since 2011 I am assisting his Shiatsu classes and he my Acro Yoga lessons. In 2015 I start teaching Acro Yoga and Cantienica Yoga at the university of Dresden.
Please name 1-2 Certified AcroYoga teachers that we can contact, if we need a recommendation.* LUCIE & ALMUTH
Do you have any current Injuries?* NO
Are you on any Medications?* NO
Why do you want to attend the AcroYoga Teacher Training?*
Me and my family live the way of yoga, acro yoga, healing arts and healing food in our lifes and we really want to go deaper and deaper. Since we started teaching Acro Yoga it is clear, this is still the very first step of a never ending way of healing, connecting, peace and joy. I want to bring this peacefull lifestyle and joyfull play in the world to make it a conciousness and save place for all of us living beenigs. Beeing an Acro Yoga Teacher means becoming fully aware about my own body and mind. It is about reconnecting with my inner force and mind power. Showing this way to others is my passion.
What Community/ies do you want to invest in after your Training?*
The eastern Part of Germany needs some support in Yoga and especially Acro Yoga. So I already invest in it with regular class, jams, workshops and festival events to build up Acro Yoga communities around Dresden, Chemnitz, Riesa, Cottbus, Pirna, Görlitz, Halle, Weimar, Dreiländereck Polen/Chechische Republik/ Deutschland. But I am open to spread Acro Yoga in each region wherever I travel to and I love traveling.
Do you have a Co-Teacher you would like to share the Practice with?*
My husband Michael Born is my partner in traning and teaching Acro Yoga and healing Arts.
In our Acro Yoga Family there is a team of less 8 people often assisting in Acro Yoga workshops.
Christian, an Tulayoga Practitioner is one of my traingspartners and as my second Co-Teacher a big enrichment for our Acro Yoga Classes.
I love playing with Pauline Willrodt and Teresa Moninger, we were a good Trio at the solar Immersion and the German Kula Celebration, there is a big potential for teaching together.
What is your biggest dream for how this practice can change the world for the better?*
Healing body and mind is healing of the earth. So discovering more and more our real potential, appointment and the power of selfcreation is celebrating the presenz god and love in the moment of now. Often workshop participants tell me about how much there lifes turned to the good since they practice Acro Yoga. This is also about beeing part of a beloved community, what gives the courage of changes. I remember exactly the day when I did my first Acro Yoga moves - it was like coming home.
Last Name* GRAFE
To Which Training are you Applying*
EUROPE AcroYoga Level 1 Teacher Training
May 25th - June 9th, 2015// Jason & Alexandra & Oliver
Date of Birth* (09/09/1987)
Place of Birth* FREITAL
Permanent Address* KLINGENBERGERSTR. 10
State/Province SACHSEN
Zip/Postal 01187
Country* GERMANY
Phone*+49/351/89736699 & +49/1577/1488575
Email Address* [email protected]
Skype Name* Superskeipi
Height* (In Feet and Inches) 56,7
Weight* (In Pounds) 111
Fluent Language/s * GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENSH
Immersions Completed *
Solar Immersion in Berlin with Jason 26.-30.7.2014
Elemental Immersion in Berlin with Pau, Lucie & Almuth 06.-10.12.2014 (canceled/ill)
Lunar Immersion in Berlin with Lucie & Almuth 21.-25.03.2015
Yoga Training, Experience & Certifications*
1 month Yoga Teacher Training, Bad Meinberg, Yoga Vidya = 400 hours
Yoga Teacher advanced training courses, Bad Meinberg, Yoga Vidya = 100 hours
Ashtanga Yoga Adjustment Training, Ashtanga Yoga Dresden, Dirk Richter = 16 hours
CANTIENICA YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING, Luzern, Switzerland, Andreas Tresh = 300 hours
Workshop Sound Yoga Training, Ashtanga Yoga Dresden, Dirk Richter = 16 hours
Urban Acro Yoga Retreat I & III & IV, Berlin, Lucie & Jeppe = 34 hours
German Kula Celebration I & II = 32 hours
Certifications enclosed via click
Acrobatic Training, Education & Certifications*
2001-2003 rhythmic gymnastics during school (each week 6 hours)
2003-2007 regular circus lessons like juggeling, handstandtraining, partnermoves, performances
(each day I practise on my own, 1 time a week traininglesson for 3 hours, every month weekendeworkshops, in summer festivals)
workshops with Lucie, Almuth, Joerg Jungwirth, Jeppe, Marc (less 20 Workshops)
regular jams, like the sunday jam in Berlin
regular Armbalance Workshops with Marlen & Sven Schmieder/ Yogawaves (15x3 hours)
Healing Arts Training, Experience & Certifications*
Lomi Lomi Nui - 88 hours
Thai Massage & Shiatsu - 90 hours
Certifications enclosed via click
Teaching History*
Since 2010 I am teaching 3 times a week Ashtanga Yoga in Dresden in the Ashtanga Yoga Dresden Center. In 2011 me and my husband Michael started teaching Acrobatics & Yoga combined with healing arts, in this case shiatsu and thaimassage. First we teached once a week than we also started coaching Jams once or twice a week. We celebrate workshop weekends in the Ashram Yoga Zentrum Dresden. And we also teach at the Ananda Spirit Festival, Vagabundenfestival and other regional events like the Palais Sommer at the river Elbe in Dresden, with like 200 participants. We regulary gather with other teachers & practitioners of Yoga, Shiatsu, AcroYoga, Thai-Massage to celebrate the joy of life & healing, singing and playing. My husband is GSD certified Shiatsu Therapist, he studied Shiatsu and Chinese Medizine for 5 years at the ESI in Berlin and also teaches Shiatsu at the university of Dresden. Since 2011 I am assisting his Shiatsu classes and he my Acro Yoga lessons. In 2015 I start teaching Acro Yoga and Cantienica Yoga at the university of Dresden.
Please name 1-2 Certified AcroYoga teachers that we can contact, if we need a recommendation.* LUCIE & ALMUTH
Do you have any current Injuries?* NO
Are you on any Medications?* NO
Why do you want to attend the AcroYoga Teacher Training?*
Me and my family live the way of yoga, acro yoga, healing arts and healing food in our lifes and we really want to go deaper and deaper. Since we started teaching Acro Yoga it is clear, this is still the very first step of a never ending way of healing, connecting, peace and joy. I want to bring this peacefull lifestyle and joyfull play in the world to make it a conciousness and save place for all of us living beenigs. Beeing an Acro Yoga Teacher means becoming fully aware about my own body and mind. It is about reconnecting with my inner force and mind power. Showing this way to others is my passion.
What Community/ies do you want to invest in after your Training?*
The eastern Part of Germany needs some support in Yoga and especially Acro Yoga. So I already invest in it with regular class, jams, workshops and festival events to build up Acro Yoga communities around Dresden, Chemnitz, Riesa, Cottbus, Pirna, Görlitz, Halle, Weimar, Dreiländereck Polen/Chechische Republik/ Deutschland. But I am open to spread Acro Yoga in each region wherever I travel to and I love traveling.
Do you have a Co-Teacher you would like to share the Practice with?*
My husband Michael Born is my partner in traning and teaching Acro Yoga and healing Arts.
In our Acro Yoga Family there is a team of less 8 people often assisting in Acro Yoga workshops.
Christian, an Tulayoga Practitioner is one of my traingspartners and as my second Co-Teacher a big enrichment for our Acro Yoga Classes.
I love playing with Pauline Willrodt and Teresa Moninger, we were a good Trio at the solar Immersion and the German Kula Celebration, there is a big potential for teaching together.
What is your biggest dream for how this practice can change the world for the better?*
Healing body and mind is healing of the earth. So discovering more and more our real potential, appointment and the power of selfcreation is celebrating the presenz god and love in the moment of now. Often workshop participants tell me about how much there lifes turned to the good since they practice Acro Yoga. This is also about beeing part of a beloved community, what gives the courage of changes. I remember exactly the day when I did my first Acro Yoga moves - it was like coming home.
urdhva dhanurasana

Jason & Rosa
Solar Immersion Berlin
Application AcroYoga JAMBassador
Why do you want to be a JAMbassador?
I am Yoga Instructor and this May I take part at AcroYoga Teacher Training. My Yoga Community and Acro Yoga Family grows more and more. I really want to lift from other similar events by being connected to AcroYoga.org. For me AcroYoga contains to practice safely & lovely this joyful healing arts. We really want to join this high standard, professionalism and the wold AcroYoga Family.
What was the worst accident you have ever witnessed? How did you react?
The worst accident happened not in a class... it was a little jam between me and two other Yogateachers, each of us with lots of AcroYoga Experience. While Cartwheeling in one of them felt down with her rips on the others knee. She could not breath, her eyes became deeply red and the whole body started to cramp. We two others helped her in a first aid position and connected our palms to the upper part of her body and started breathing in and out together. She was able to connect to our in and exhale rhythm - so we stood there until the cramps stopped.
I came to the conclusion, that even advanced AcroYogis should better talk about Safety and Spotting before starting the training. This is a refreshment of everyones awareness.
Can you tell us something about the community you would like to host Jams in?
The Yoga Community me and my husband started up 2010 is an Acro Yoga Family and lives healing arts in so much parts of being: healing food, healing arts like Yoga, Acro Yoga, Acrobatics, Therapeutics, Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Lomi Lomi Nui. We meditate together, we are singing, chanting and celebrating the AcroYoga Circles in classes, jams, in the park, at festivals, on traveling: wherever we we go, where ever we meet. Regulär Workshops in Yoga, AcroYoga and Therapeutic healing Arts connects us to many people from hole saxony. We do things we love° and we invite the people especially in our Hometowns: the eastern part of germany/ Dresden/ Drei Ländereck/ Weimar/ ... to practice with us.
Why do you want to be a JAMbassador?
I am Yoga Instructor and this May I take part at AcroYoga Teacher Training. My Yoga Community and Acro Yoga Family grows more and more. I really want to lift from other similar events by being connected to AcroYoga.org. For me AcroYoga contains to practice safely & lovely this joyful healing arts. We really want to join this high standard, professionalism and the wold AcroYoga Family.
What was the worst accident you have ever witnessed? How did you react?
The worst accident happened not in a class... it was a little jam between me and two other Yogateachers, each of us with lots of AcroYoga Experience. While Cartwheeling in one of them felt down with her rips on the others knee. She could not breath, her eyes became deeply red and the whole body started to cramp. We two others helped her in a first aid position and connected our palms to the upper part of her body and started breathing in and out together. She was able to connect to our in and exhale rhythm - so we stood there until the cramps stopped.
I came to the conclusion, that even advanced AcroYogis should better talk about Safety and Spotting before starting the training. This is a refreshment of everyones awareness.
Can you tell us something about the community you would like to host Jams in?
The Yoga Community me and my husband started up 2010 is an Acro Yoga Family and lives healing arts in so much parts of being: healing food, healing arts like Yoga, Acro Yoga, Acrobatics, Therapeutics, Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Lomi Lomi Nui. We meditate together, we are singing, chanting and celebrating the AcroYoga Circles in classes, jams, in the park, at festivals, on traveling: wherever we we go, where ever we meet. Regulär Workshops in Yoga, AcroYoga and Therapeutic healing Arts connects us to many people from hole saxony. We do things we love° and we invite the people especially in our Hometowns: the eastern part of germany/ Dresden/ Drei Ländereck/ Weimar/ ... to practice with us.